Thursday, March 7, 2013

Round Two

The poignant anxiety felt with chemo is quickly brought lower when I gaze on this painting and throughout the therapy reminds me of Sophia, my grand daughter. This round had some kick to it. The Oncologist stated that there would be an additive affect. The second through the fourth day after have been the lowest points in my life. In addition to the many side effects experienced the psychological mind games also came into play. It has been terribly difficult to remain positive for myself and family through this deliberate poisoning. This envenom is not a magic bullet to the tumor. This stuff stops DNA from replicating everywhere. The brain and GI track that is actively changing does not like it and rebels, thus side effects. Enough-negativity

As this painting depicts, I have not felt well, thus a delay in the blog. I cannot emphasize enough that exercise is helping me. I have begun a compulsive process to remind myself to:

  • Keep moving: stretching, short walks, recumbent bike
  • Keep a log of how I feel each day. prior to infusion, after infusion and all subsequent days
  • Create simple goals: One of my important goals is not to compare myself to pre-chemotherapy.
  • Try not to set myself up for feeling bad about myself. I am not going to feel as strong as I did before, while chemo is being pursued.
  • Eat healthy: I have found a quick way out and eat a candy bar several times a day. The energy is quick but ultimately is not healthy. I will pursue a different lifestyle quickly !!
  • Eat something: Bland diet is better during the infusion week and the days that follow. This week has been an experiment.
  • Do more of what you love: Ride my bike-not yet but its coming (Trek Modone 5.2), Pictures of sports, Pictures of landscapes and weddings.
Psalm 16:7-8 I will not be shaken with Him at my right hand. The Lord counsels me and even at night my heart instructs me.

Thank you all for the loving support. I truly am blessed
And always your friend

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